• (828)432-6652

  • NTNfam@nowturnnorth.com

  • Valdese, NC


  • 123-456-7890

Project Portfolio

A few of the more interesting projects we have had the opportunity to work on recently.

Give depth and dimension to your designs!
Elevate your flat DTF prints with 3D puff.

Breathe new life into your business’ logo for the New Year with 3D Puff Print
2D logos are a thing of the past! Liven up your logo or create interest in your business apperal with 3D Puff design

Liven up your business logo or redesign spiritwear to support your team using 3d Puff print.
3Dimensional Puff Print Brings Character to an otherwise boring design.

Designing high resolution images that utilize AI is another printing technique we utilize daily.
We guanantee your satisfaction with the qualityOur unique designs feature unparallelled sophistication and charm.

Screen Printing: When Innovation Meets Artistic Expression

A Brief Introduction to the World of Screen Printing

Screen printing, a hallmark of the printmaker’s repertoire, stands at the crossroads of creativity and commercial viability. This versatile technique has woven its way through the fabric of both commercial and fine arts since its resurgence in the 1960s. Known for its vibrant, flat color renditions and adaptability across various mediums, screen printing has solidified its presence in the art world, distinguishing itself from other intaglio printmaking methods.

Historical Evolution of Screen Printing

Screen printing’s journey from ancient stenciling to a favored medium among 20th-century artists underscores its capacity for innovation. Its roots, embedded in Polynesian traditions of decorating tapa cloth with ink through cut banana leaves, reflect a rich history of adaptability and creativity. The technique’s significant leap during China’s Song Dynasty (960–1279 CE), where artisans crafted sophisticated stencils from human hair, marked a pivotal evolution. This evolution continued as the method traveled west, with silk screens emerging in Europe by 1907, thanks to the influence of Japanese textile artistry.

Technological Advancements and Recognition in the Art World

The 20th century heralded a new era for screen printing with the advent of photo-reactive stencils, propelling it beyond its commercial confines to gain recognition as a legitimate art form. In the United States, the term “serigraphy” was coined in the 1930s to denote its artistic application, differentiating it from its industrial counterparts. This period also saw European artists like Henri Matisse embracing screen printing, showcasing its potential beyond traditional uses.

Screen Printing & the Pop Art Movement

The 1960s Pop Art movement, characterized by its embrace of popular culture, brought screen printing into the limelight. Artists like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein leveraged the medium to produce works that reflected and critiqued contemporary culture. Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe series, for example, used screen printing to create images that were as much a commentary on American society as they were on the art of reproduction itself.

Understanding the Process of Screen Printing

Screen printing’s appeal lies in its simplicity and accessibility, making it a popular choice for artists and commercial printers alike. The process, which involves transferring ink through a mesh screen onto a substrate, offers unparalleled flexibility in the choice of materials and design subjects. This section of the article delves into the intricacies of the screen-printing process, highlighting its unique benefits and the creative possibilities it offers.

Celebrating Screen Printing: Icons and Innovators

The Legacy of Screen Printing in Art

Screen printing has left an indelible mark on the landscape of contemporary art, blending traditional techniques with modern visual narratives. The medium’s versatility is underscored by iconic works such as Andy Warhol’s “Eight Elvises,” which not only fetched a staggering $100 million in 2008 but also highlighted the cultural and financial significance of screen printing in the art world.

Pioneers of Screen Printing

Ben Shahn‘s Exploration of Typography: “Pleiades” (1960) marries graphic production with linguistic exploration, utilizing screen printing to delve into the complexities of alphabets, embodying Shahn’s mastery over typography and design.

Robert Rauschenberg‘s Commentary on Pop Culture: His work “Retroactive I” (1964) uses screen printing to craft a collage of contemporary imagery, offering a critique of the media-saturated 1960s America.

Roy Lichtenstein and the Satire of Abstract Expressionism: The “Brushstroke” series (1965-1966) uses screen printing to question art’s value and authenticity, mimicking commercial art techniques.

Andy Warhol‘s Consumerism Critique: Works like “Campbell’s Soup Can on Shopping Bag” (1966) and “Marilyn Monroe” (1967) blend commercial aesthetics with fine art, challenging societal perceptions of consumerism and fame.

David Hockney‘s Californian Dreamscapes: His lithographic work on water captures California’s essence, employing screen printing to convey the fluidity and vibrancy of life.

The Broader Influence of Screen Printing

The reach of screen printing spans multiple industries, from textiles to digital marketing, showcasing its adaptability and cost-effectiveness. This versatility makes it an indispensable tool for producing a wide array of products and art pieces.

The Future of Screen Printing

Despite advancements in digital printing, the tactile quality and flexibility of screen printing ensure its continued significance. Its ability to accommodate diverse materials and the appeal of handcrafted items underscore screen printing’s enduring charm in a digitalized world.

The Enduring Spirit of Screen Printing

Screen printing stands as a vibrant testament to artistic innovation and expression. Celebrated for its historical roots, influence on contemporary art, and potential for future exploration, screen printing continues to captivate artists and audiences alike. The contributions of pioneering artists and the relentless experimentation by today’s creators ensure that screen printing remains a dynamic force in the art world, promising endless possibilities for creativity and expression.


Now Turn North, L.L.C. specializes in high-quality, retail-ready custom embroidery and screen-printing services. We cater to a diverse clientele, from charity organizations and businesses to individual artists. We pride ourselves on delivering industry-leading service and ensuring each project is executed with precision and care.

Visit Us

  • Valdese, NC 28690
  • (828)432-6652
  • NTNfam@NowTurnNorth.com


  • Monday – Saturday
  • 12.01am – 11:59pm


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